Hi All!! We are battening down the hatches for a cold spell to come through. All the greenhouses are closed up now.
Last weekend we took a little trip. Please find below our seed update for this week.
Seed update 10/22/2022
33.94- Ariocarpus retusus
42.5- Ariocarpus trigonus n Jaumave, ‘horacekii’ (pkts and 100’s)
70.07- Astrophytum mix
82.851- Copiapoa aurata
83.68- Copiapoa cinerascens KK176
83.7- Copiapoa cinerea KK624
83.8- Copiapoa cinerea KK1434
84.25- Copiapoa coquimbana var. deminuta KK1386
84.83- Copiapoa haseltoniana
84.85- Copiapoa haseltoniana KK69
85.715- Copiapoa marginata
86-Copiapoa Mix (100’s)
453.84- Turbinicarpus ysabelae (pkts and 100’s)
785.8- Mammillaria microthele (pkts and 100’s)
1030.25- Neoporteria clavata v procera KK1447
1246- Strombocactus disciformis