Hi Everyone!!
A quick update about the new goings on around here! Aaron has started doing plant auctions on Instagram on Tuesdays and Fridays. Today we are attempting our first Live Auction on Instagram at 10:00 AM MST. We are very excited about these auctions as they give us the opportunity to offer plants that we would not normally sell on the website.
Our instagram page is mesagardenplants
We have also decided to post on all of our social media plat forms, seeds that we have updated this week that we view as important or seeds that haven’t been added for a while. It will be just a quick list to view.
28-Ariocarpus fissuratus
28.93- Ariocarpus fissuratus ‘intermedius’
30.8- Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus v albiflorus
33.84- Ariocarpus retusus (D)
40- Ariocarpus trigones
57- Astrophytum myriostigma
62.4- Astrophytum myriostigma var. quadricostatum
83.7 -Copiapoa cinerea
83.706 -Copiapoa cinerea
83.8- Copiapoa cinerea v. Corrida
84.26 – Copiapoa cuperata
84.8 – Copiapoa gigantea
84.86- Copiapoa haseltoniana
84.9- Copiapoa horridispina
85.713- Copiapoa lembeckii v. magnifica
85.92- Copiapoa tigrillensis
549 – Lophophora fricii
We also are attempting to upload one video a week on Youtube with life here at the nursery. We hope you will take a look and subscribe!! Our channel is called Mesa Garden.
Thank you all for your continued support and we wish for you a nice peaceful and restful weekend!!
Aaron and Tarah