Hi all!! This week we are having a visit from a fellow YouTube channel, Cactus Quest. The creator of Cactus Quest is Hunter Martinez. We will be doing a collaboration with him this week. His trip will be sponsored by the LA Cactus and Succulent club. It is our hope that Steven Brack will also be in attendance, even if only by Zoom. We are also working on potentially doing some give aways. If you have not subscribed to our Youtube Channel, Facebook and Instagram, please do. We will be updating those sites often this week. Also if you have not subscribed to Cactus Quest, we highly recommend you do! Hunter has great content!!
Also we will be pulling orders to the best of our ability as per usual but there may be delays in pulling time and email response. We do apologize for this delay as we are preparing for his visit that will be the 11th, 12th, and 13th. This is a great opportunity for all involved to join together to continue bringing cactus and succulents to the world!!